Terms and Conditions

  • The Hidden STORY Competition (known as the ‘Competition’) is organised and run by BookLife Ltd and not in partnership with any other association or company.
  • Any entry implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. BookLife Ltd reserves the right to disqualify any entrant on reasonable grounds that BookLife Ltd believe the entrant has breached any of these Terms and Conditions.
  • BookLife Ltd reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition, Terms and Conditions or any other element of the competition without prior notice in the event of any circumstance that should arise outside of BookLife Ltd’s control.


  • The competition is open to schools of the UK. Proof of identity and eligibility may be requested.
  • The prize and competition are not open to employees, companies BookLife, BookLife Publishing Ltd, The Secret Book Company and their immediate family.
  • The winner may be required to take part in media interviews and promotional material.

Process of Entry

  • The competition opens at 12:01am on 4th September 2024. The deadlines for entries are 17:00 on 8th November 2024. Entries after the deadline will not be considered.
  • To enter the competition, quote the five page numbers that contain a hidden letter to the BookLife Ltd email info@booklife.co.uk.
  • Entries must be written in English. All entrants can provide extra detail if necessary.

Entry Conditions

  • Entry details regarding name, school name, phone number and email address must be completed by the relevant person to ensure legibility.
  • Entries must not contain, offensive, obscene, defamatory or any other unsuitable material. Doing so will result in immediate disqualification.
  • We will only accept one entry per person, all entries must be written by one person and joint entries will not be considered. All entries after the person’s first will not be considered.
  • You do not need to purchase anything to enter this competition.
  • All entries will be provided with a receipt when submitted electronically via BookLife Ltd, entrants will not receive an email confirm their entry. Unfortunately, we cannot provide receipt for postal entries and due to the volume of entries; we are unable to check that individual entries have been received after submission.
  • All judges’ decisions are final, and no appeal or correspondence will be entered into.

Announcing the Winner

  • The overall winner will be notified on the 1th November 2024 via email.

    The Prize

    • The winner will receive £500 worth of books from BookLife Publishing Ltd
    • Prizes are non-transferable and there is no cash alternative


    • Personal data will be treated with the strictest of confidence and at no point will it be disclosure to third parties without prior individual consent. All data relating to entrants will be retained by BookLife Ltd for a reasonable period of time after the competition closes. This is so BookLife can analysis and assess the competition’s operation and to deal with any queries of the competition.
    • Entering the competitions means that the entrant and parents/guardians agree to having their name, location and photograph published in the media, online and on social channels managed by BookLife Ltd
    • By providing BookLife Ltd with a personal email address you automatically consent to receiving emails regarding the competition and be entered into our database to receive news and updates.
    • All category winners must be willing to provide a recent photography to be used in the press. The child/parent/guardian must also be willing to be interviews by a representative from BookLife Ltd and the press including TV/Radio